
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

During difficult periods of time, such as the one that we are currently going through in America, it can be hard to see the future in a positive light. Personal and communal goals all of a sudden seem unobtainable and hard to reach. Everyone deserves for their goals to be reached (providing that they do not harm others). So how do you go about reaching your goals and attempting to fulfill all of them? As someone who has been fortunate to fulfill many goals in my life span of 22 years, I have had the ability to see my goals, which where once on a piece of paper, become a reality. This process didn't happen over night though and it didn't happen by itself either. I am not an expert by any means, and still have dreams that I hope to complete- but I do believe that this process has helped me become the person that I am today. Here are just a few tips on how you can fulfill your goals- no matter what the size your dreams might be.

  1. Write them down: Whether you write your goals down on a piece of paper, on a word document, or in your notes section of your iphone have a place that you can look back and evaluate your goals every so often. You might have remembered a couple of summers ago I did this as a special blog feature- attempting to complete goals of different sizes. By writing these down you are not only making these plans more concrete- but you are making a promise to yourself that you are going to try and make those dreams happen.
  2. Put a time limit on goals: Create a deadline of when you would like to see your goals completed. Create a mix of time frames so that you don't feel rushed to complete every single goal AT THE SAME EXACT TIME. Trust me, it's stressful and takes away the joy of completing a well deserved task. 
  3. Have goals of different sizes: It can be intimidating looking at a list with what can be perceived as unobtainable dreams. In order to downsize these larger dreams to make them appear doable, create goals of different sizes that you know that you can complete. 
  4. Create communal goals: Having your own personal goals is awesome,but creating goals for a community can be even more rewarding. This can include going to the gym once a week with your friends, creating policy changes with a social justice group, or creating a garden with your local community. Goals shouldn't serve just yourself personally- they should benefit all community members as well. 
  5. Know that you can do it: You are your biggest enemy at times. Fight for what you believe is right and what you deserve. It may take longer than you expected, but know that with time things will come. 
  6. Be humble when necessary and celebrated when needed: Don't automatically assume that you will get all of your dreams accomplished in a heartbeat. Even if you do--be humble about it and grateful for the opportunities that have been given to you. Celebrate your goals and then move forward with your life towards bigger and better opportunities. 
  7. Look up to others: This summer I will be looking up to athletes such as those lucky enough to compete in the 2016 Olympics in Rio and Paralympic Games. Hearing and seeing each athletes strength, determination, and ferocity reminds me that I too can reach and accomplish my dreams if I put effort and time into it. Anything is truly possible when you believe in yourself and try.

No matter what your goals are this summer remember that YOU have the capability to do anything. Reach for your dreams and beyond. This summer, my goal is to remind myself that I am capable of being strong both physically and mentality and using that strength in my community. What are your goals this summer and forward? Use the hashtag #StandforProgress and comment below!

Until next time, 


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